Info on the web

Nushagak River - True Alaskan wilderness experience in the comfort of a Bristol Bay fishing lodge. Whether you fish or hunt we provide you with a variety of opportunities and campsites on the fabled Nushagak River. http://www.Nushagak River

Voters Research Info \ 1800 622 7627 http://www.Peak.org/vote-smart/
Corporate and Governmental accountability public information network Http://www.endgame.org
News, research & contacts for over 100,000 companies Http://www.companylink.com

Governmental sites
North American Securities Administrators Association NASAA http://www.nasaa.org
Canada- ontarion securities Commission http://www.osc.gov.on.ca
lots of federal government links http://www.house.gov/holden/fed.htm
DVM Motor vehicles Dept California http://www.DMV.CA.GOV
DMVof every state Http://www.onlinedmv.com
Federal Statistics http://www.fedstats.gov
Commerce Business Daily http://www.cbdnet.gpo.gov All government contracts are offered here
US Patent Boolean search page http://patents.uspto.gov/access/search-bool.html
California home page, check contractor's license, road conditions, how tax money is spent and more http://www .ca.gov
Washington state Unemployment http://www.wa.gov/esd/ui/icapp/start.htm
Washington state Government info http://www.access.wa.gov

Old Bottle Collector's Haven, Lots of good info on old bottles http://www.antiquebottles.com/

The Marine Shopper Http://www.themarineshopper.com
Classic old boat stuff
Http://www.Laharbormarine.com Graymarine engines, streeing systems, flooring Ph# 866 846 2039
Http://www.Classicboatconnection.com Ph# 507 344 8024
Varnish http://www.signaturefinish.com also available at some marine stores such as Boat US
What's good and what's not Practical sailor http:boatus.com/reviews/sail/articles

http://www.skf.com http://www.qbcbearings.com

Technical Books http://www.books1.com
On line directories http://www.hcdonline.com

Cars and Trucks
Car buying site http://www.Edmunds.com Good dealson cars and more? http://Bargain.com
Old Cars Http://www.hemmings.com http://www.collectorcartraderonline.com
The Auto Trader Http://www.autotrader.com
Truck and Equipment trader Http://www.traderonline.com
Link to all the trader publications online http://www.traderonline.com
What's it worth pricing info http://www.nadaguides.com Kelly's Blue Book value Http://www.kbb.com
More Cars and trucks for sale Http://www.cars.com http://www.carsdirect.com
Great place for getting a diesel engine rebuilt http://www.dieselautoservices.com ph# 1 877 461 1066
Other Diesel Sites http://www.dieselsite.com http://www.dieselpage.com
Mopar Dodge, Chrysler, Plymouth, DeSoto, and Jeep site http://www.allpar.com
DVM Motor vehicles Dept California http://www.DMV.CA.GOV
Washington DC Http://www.dmv.washingtondc.gov
Ford diesel trucks http://www.intellidog.com/dieselmann/idi2.htm http://www.Thedieselstop.com
FDIC Banking and asset auctions http://www.fdic.gov
Alt fuels http://www.hydrogencomponents.com/cvi.html
Ford http://www.ford.com/en/innovation/engineFuelTechnology/hydrogenInternalCombustion.htm

http://www.daskalides.com http://www.galler.com http://www.godiva.com
http://www.leonidas.be http://www.neuhaus.be/en/index.htm

Construction and home owners info
http://www.wellowner.org Info on home water wells
http://www.Lumberliquidators.com Good prices on hardwood flooring
http://www.diydata.com How To Info for home project
http://homeplanfinder.com Home Plans and info
http://www.omegaroof.com Metal roofing options

http://www.driverguide.com Place to go to get drivers for any computer
http://www.Dougknox.com Windows tweaks & Tips Lots of technical information
http://www.dtidata.com Data recovery software and help - Good people
http://www.R-tt.com Data recovery software and help
Http://www.mia.speakeasy.net Computer internet speed test
Http://www.dfw.speakeasy.net Computer internet speed test
http://www.wi-fizone.org List of wi-fi wireless zones
Power line internet transmision stuff and info
http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/VPN-HOWTO/ How VPN works and how to set it up
http://computer.howstuffworks.com/firewall4.htm How firewalls work and how to test them

Electrical stuff
Circuit Breakers Http://pcb-breaker.com
GFI Parts and more http://www.bender.org High priced good GFI Shock-Block http://www.Ktec.org
Also http://www.powerguardsystems.com NOTE you can buy the breaker and parts and save a lot.
Electrical Wire http://www.worldwidewire.com
http://beckelectric.com Electrical supply from Cam-loks to Data Processing

Tutorial http:www.dewtronics.com/tutorials
Scientific American http://sciam.com
Digital photography http://www.kodak.com The digital learning center
many different classes over the internet http://www.lynda.com

Free user built encyclopedia http://www.wikipedia.org Great once you get use to finding stuff on it
Another good free encyclopedia http://nupedia.8media.org/

Alt Energy
Hydrogen fuel systems http://www.hydrogencomponents.com/cvi.html
Bio Diesel and veggi oil vehicals http://www.toolbase.org/tertiaryT.asp?TrackID=&CategoryID=1282&DocumentID=3612
Low E windows http://www.toolbase.org/tertiaryT.asp?TrackID=&CategoryID=1282&DocumentID=3612
Wind Energy Systems
Small: http://www.windsave.com/
Solar Energy set up info The Best Stuff (Nov 2005)
Inverters- Trace or Xantrac
Solar Pannels-Evergreen Can get blemished panels for sale outside the US
Batterys for solar use Concord Batteries
Battery charge controler-Use Outback
Financial sites Investing and Investments

Food and Restaurants

Fundraising info
http://www.omidyar.net Investors for constructive change

Health Anti aging stuff and more

Dictionaries online http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/rbeard/diction.html links to 350 dictionaries of 150 different languages
http://www.usps.com Current data on postal rates, page count per once estimates and such
http://www.melissadata.com Free seach on zip codes and address plus lots of info on demographics
http://www.economy.com economic data
http://www.Refdesk.com much information and facts

Inertnation information
News site http://www.cnn.com

Job Hunting
http://www.guru.com jobs for independent professionals
http://www.cajobs.com guide to employment in California

Language Dictionaries and Translation tools

Management tools:

Time management tracker http://www.caato.de/en/products/caato-time-tracker-plus.html

Marketing resources

Mining and Metals
http://www.Maricuda.com Used mining equipment for sale

http://www.Kitco.com Charts and information on prices of metals

Money owed to you in CA http://www.sco.ca.gov

Motion Control
My favorite Delta Computer Systems, inc http://www.deltacompsys.com
Galil Motion Control http://www.Galilmc.com
Integration & Automation solutions
Concept Systems Inc Http://conceptsystemsinc.com

http://www.narada.com http://www.musicmax.com
Tibetan Bowls Music http://www.karmamoffett.com
Out door Music festivals http://www.keethmahoogan.com

Off shore investment Information

Pipe fittings and Tubing

Phone numbers and such
http://www.anywho.com Business and consumer phone numbers e-mail, urls, and reverse lookup

http://www.weststock.com Real cool Fractal art
http://www.fotosearch.com lots of stock photos for sale
http://Picturequest.com More stock photos

Portals/Search engines
http://www.zdnet.com http://www.google.com http://www.looksmart.com
http://www.aj.com (Ask Jeeves)

Real estate
http://www.keytothedoor.com Houses for sale or rent
http://www.rentline.com Apartment, condos and houses for rent
http://www.MLS.ca/mls/home.asp Canada MLS
Http://www.nwrealestate.com/nwpub/index.cfm Washington state MLS
http://www.cyberhomes.com MLS for many states in the USA
http://www.fdic.gov/buying/owned/index.html FDIC Land auction
http://bargain.com Good deal lists for real estate
http://JackKeller.com flat fee MLS listing of your property for sale

Office Space in Panama Office space rentals in Panama City Panama Premier Casa is a full service real Estate company with all other sectors of rentals and properties for sale.

Restaurants and Food

Science and Technology
http://www.Discover.com Great easy to read articles
https://www.technologyreview.com: Lots of tech news

Search engines See Portals above

What does something really cost new. Go to PRICESCAN.COM It gives you a good idea of who is selling it and for what as well as who has the cheapest price so you do not get totally ripped off.
Places to get good deals
Click here for your favorite eBay items
http://thomasregional.com An Industrial Buying Guide
http://www.dovebid.com an Auction site
http://www.traderonline.com Link to all the trader publications online
http://www.bizrate.com Main shopping hub for the net
http://bargain.com Good deal lists, Cars Real estate and more
http://Alibaba.com Industrail size lots. Good place to find anything to buy or sell a large amount of

storage organizing boxes Http:/www.listaintl.com 1800 722 3020

Panama http://www.panamacasa.com For a great place to stay in Panama
Store your luggage in trusted shops & hotels near you Luggage Storage
Passport and Visa info http://www.Travel.State.gov
http://www.eta.immi.gov.au/ETAAusXEn.html How to get visa for Australia over the internet and more

Great air travel map for the free sprite. You put in where you are and it shows the cost to go anywhere from there so you can find cheap places to go from any place. https://www.farecompare.com/maps

Here is a list of air line sites that are not searched by most of the so called cheap travel sites. I use the travel
search sites to get an idea of what it will cost but can offten get a better deal by going striaght to the airline sites in particular these sites which are not included in the other searches because they do not pay enough commissions.
http://www.eaglecreek.com Some good luggage stuff and ideas for packing. Vacumm bags
http://www.points.com Exchange points from one program to another.
http://www.southwest.com Great prices in the US Speacles on SW http://www.southwest.com/ding
http://www.Taca.com For travel to and through Central Amaerica. OR http://www.Copaair.com
Travel seach sites: http://www.travelscape.com Http://www.travelzoo.comhttp://www.orbitz.com http://www.travellogia.com http://Travelocity.com http://www.sidestep.com
Deep Discounts On Travel Orange Banner

International travel and business
Place to stay and lots of links for Panama http://www.panamacasa.com
http://www.cyberhaven.com Off shore investment Information

Canopytower.com/treelist.html list of trees that grow in panama
PanamaTeakForestry.com Timber investments in central America
http://www.tree-guide.com A lot of great info on trees in general

Tubing See Pipe

other site
http://www.econgo.com free e commerce
http://www.noblecom.com cheap phone cards
http://www.uscarb.com L.P. conversion kits for generators and other internal combustion engines

Web Building tools
http://beseen.com free web tools like bulletin board and search engines for your site
The Best for name registration is Godaddy.com, $70 for 10 years registration http://www.godaddy.com
Http://www.freeservers.com Hosting
http://allhosting.info/hosting/index.htm Very good cheap hosting
Http://www.Godaddy.com name registration and hosting
Http://www.freestas.com for a counter and traffic info on a web page free with banner add
http://www.freefind.com Add a search engine to your web site for free in less than 10 minutes
http://www.rankthis.com Free online tool to help you determine where your site ranks on different keyword sets in eight of the major search engines
http://www.DNSStuff.com Find out info about you web sit DNS
http://www.searchenginewatch.com/webmasters information on getting on search engines
http://www.submitit.com Microsoft software for building and getting your site on search engines
http://www.hotbar.com Background images
http://www.clickxchange.com Affiliate programs
URL track programs http://hitbox.com http://openwebscope.com http://sitemeter.comhttp://webtrendslive.com
Stock Photography
http://www.weststock.com Real cool Fractal art
http://www.fotosearch.com lots of stock photos for sale

Local Areas information

Reno Nevada
Heating and AC repear company Powell Heating 775 358 6187

Stuff that needs sorting
http://www.desktoppublishing.com http://www.Imageparadise.com
http://www.checkfree.com http://www.quest.com
http://www.ecx.com http://www.craigslist.org
http://www.Thefreesite.com Supper info Britannica
http://www.michaeljhonmeehan.com http://www.omidyar.net